Turkey in a tent: why does anybody still do Black Friday shopping offline?

Each year in the ramp-up to Black Friday, err… Thanksgiving, it seems more and more like the actual spirit of the holiday season, not just the marketing pitch, is about shopping. After speaking with the other editors, we’re almost surprised that Obama, in his Thanksgiving address, didn’t mention checking circulars as part of his routine.… Continue reading Turkey in a tent: why does anybody still do Black Friday shopping offline?

Technological leapfrogging in the developing world… with some caveats

Spending the past month and a half working in Trinidad has taught me much about the state of technology in emerging markets. I’ve found it particularly interesting that WiMax has rolled out to vast areas untouched by wired broadband. Even in the bank branches where I’ve been working, WiFi is often connected to a 4G… Continue reading Technological leapfrogging in the developing world… with some caveats

When money is no object

Forgive me if this sounds antithetical to the entire purpose of our great webzine, but I believe I’ve stumbled onto something in my expensed international travels.  This occurred to me when I noticed myself picking up the hotel phone and simply dialing out at $2/minute.  I could have used Google Voice, which would be free.… Continue reading When money is no object

Streamlined Metal Objects: The Real Way To Stop The Oil Spill In The Gulf

For the life of Arteculate, we’ve been writing mostly about technological goings-on in the realm of consumer electronics.  But clearly society and technology have a relationship that goes far outside of this small little space, and that’s why we’re posting today after a long hiatus. The oil spill in the Gulf, albeit mired as much… Continue reading Streamlined Metal Objects: The Real Way To Stop The Oil Spill In The Gulf

Stay Tuned, Folks!

It’s that time of the year again: finals! Our writers are working hard keeping their grades up, and unfortunately that means less time to provide you, our readers, with the love and affection you deserve. But don’t lose hope so fast! This torturous time will end soon enough, and that means we’ll be back and… Continue reading Stay Tuned, Folks!

How Ads Influence Content, or Why Selling Structured Settlements Makes Arteculate Rich

Now that Arteculate has gotten off the ground (and in quite a hurry since our Tuesday launch, might we add), we wanted to highlight one factor that allows websites like ours to thrive in the internet economy.  No, we weren’t referring to our unparalleled insight and incomparable discourse (though we do hear that “content is… Continue reading How Ads Influence Content, or Why Selling Structured Settlements Makes Arteculate Rich